Assim Al Hakeem
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Are protests allowed in Islam?
How to increase my emaan (faith)?
How do I know that the the Quran was not copied (orally) from the Bible before the Bible became corrupt?
Are boys allowed to study at mixed universities knowing that in our country all universities are mixed ?
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Response to Jazakallah khair
How can one attain taqwa and have tawakal?
Does Islam regard men and women as equal?
Are we allowed to talk while in the bathroom?
Mother says ill things and never apologizes
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Hajj/Umrah - Kissing Black Stone
Cutting the hair only from the sides after completing Umrah
Hajj 'Tammatu', 'Qiran' and 'Ifrad'!
I am confused over the issue of covering the face during hajj.
If I go for hajj and get my hair shortened instead of fully shaved, are there any restrictions, such as the hair has to be one inch thick? This is what i hear from some hanafis.
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Divine Will and Decree
I am unable to understand the relationship between Qadr and free will
How to thank Allah and which is the best way?
Is it true that a dua can change your destiny?
My friend is a Muslim but his father is a kaafir, so if his father will die can he inherit the wealth of his father?
Wiswas / OCD
I suffer from OCD. Should I take medicine against anxious thoughts and feeling of guilt?
How to deal with depression?
What is Ruqyah and how one should do it?
Sheikh, can you tell me the exact procedure on how to perform Al Mu'awwidhatayn? I can't seem to find the exact instructions anywhere apart from Quote of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)? Please give me the details step-by-step.
Suffering from bad (kufr, blasphemy, wiswas) thoughts
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Black magic / Evil eye / Envy / Omens
Morning / Evening Athkaar (Protection from evil eye, black magic, etc)
How one can tell if he/she is afflicted with “sahr” or “hasad? (envy or evil eye)
What is the ruling on sihr (black magic)?
How to remove evil eye with wudu water
We recite morning evening dua to be protected from evil eyes and hasaad. How can we make our kids protected from evil eyes and hasaad?
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How to pray Funeral prayer (janazah) and who is qualified to pray it on a family member?
Can You Recite The Quran or Fatiha For The Deceased?
Is it true even if you die as a believer and Allah swt forgives you as He wills, does EVERYONE have to taste the punishment of the grave, as in feel that certain squeeze before the grave gets wider for the believers?
If a person dies with debts
Ruling on gathering to offer condolences to the family of the deceased and eating
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What is the hukm of saying "Jumaa Mubarak, Ramadhan Mubarak, Eid Mubarak ..."?
I went to pray Eid prayer in a masjid, I prayed tahiyat masjid after entering but people said there is no prayer before Eid prayer, is it right?
If we pray Eid on Jumaa (Friday), what is the hukum regarding afternoon jumaa, do we have to pray it as well?
What is the last time of a day for qurbani / udhiya? Just before magrib is it valid?
In my country, when someone dies, the family does not celebrate Eid. What is the Islamic ruling for this?
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Taking loan from So Called 'Islamic Banks"
Islamic Banks and Loans
What to do with interest I got by bank on savings account?
I want to buy a car but on installments, i.e. on lease. Does it involve any Riba? There are many Islamic banks that claim that their lease system is without any interest.
University / School Loans
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My father will not be present at my nikah. Is my marriage valid?
Is consummation of marriage mandatory for Walima?
Khula : definition and how it is done
Temporary or Mutah Marriage
Getting married on the Online, on the Internet, via Video or Phone Call?
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I have finished my missed ramadan fasts. I have some fasts left over from previous Ramadan due to nifas. Can I combine my intention for these missed fasts with the Shawwal fasts of this year?
For one to be considered a traveler, does the distance have to be 80km (or more) from their actual house, or from the edge of the city in which they reside?
Can we go to non-muslims countries for tourism, jobs, or simply for raising life standards? (migrate)
Prayer on a plane or public transport
When I start traveling & leave my house for the airport, do I shorten my salah before boarding the plane?
Jumah prayer for a traveler
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All about fasting the 6 days of Shawwal
Monday & Thursday Sunnah Fasts
Fasting in Muharram
Breaking voluntary fast
Intercourse during fasting in Ramadan and its expiation
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Ruling on playing board games with Dice like Snake & Ladder, Ludo etc
Is playing Monopoly haraam in Islam? Also, is playing with dice haram in Islam?
Is playing with a deck of cards haraam in Islam?
I sometimes play video games it has music in the back ground. Is this haram or do I have to play on mute?
There is a book called “Rhiyad Us-Saliheen” is this book good to read or is it better to avoid. Since there is many hadiths quoted I feel that it will be beneficial. I am afraid that if there is any fabricated hadiths. Please advise
Dhul Hijja
I wanted to know if i can fast my Ramadan missed fasts during the first 10 days of dhul hijjah ?
Who should refrain from cutting the nails and hair before offering the sacrifice?
If a person is offering sacrifice at home, is he/she supposed to abstain from cutting nails or having a haircut after making niyyah? Or is only for the pilgrim?
If I am used to fasting the white days, can I fast those during Eid?
Fasting the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah
Can a man wear a white gold ring?
Wearing Red Color for Men & Women?
Is wearing platinum ring for men prohibited (haram)?
Is wearing a stone ring sunnah for men? Gemstones or Stones bring luck?
Can a man look at a woman with "good intentions"?
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Do I have to cover my hair while reading Quran or hearing the Azaan?
Can I have the Quran or Athaan as a Ringtone?
Can we recite our quran in the name of our grand parents?
Reciting the Quran, durood, or Dua during sexual impurity
Ruling on the dua upon completion Quran
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I’m consuming ayuverdic medicine for my asthma in which cow’s urine is used. Is it haram to consume it?
Are Homeopathy Medicines allowed in Islam?
Is it permissible to take steroids to build muscle?
Is lazy eye surgery permissible?
Medical Marijuana & Morphine to treat prain
Women Beautification
Is it permissible to permanently straighten one's hair?
Cosmetic surgery
Is it prohibited to wear rings in the index and middle finger for both men and women?
Wearing wigs, ribbons, plucking eyebrow, fake eyelashes, hair extensions, and tattoos
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