Kindly refer to the following links:

Whoever initiates a bad deed will bear the burden of anyone who does it after him

Are we rewarded for leaving a sin even if it is not for the sake of Allah?

Accountable for having the firm intention to sin? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Sinful for having the firm intention to sin? [Hadith about 2 men fighting with ⚔️ sword]

If I taught someone something wrong, must I rectify and correct it?

If I teach someone a sin & then repent, will I still get their sins after repentance

Will we be rewarded for giving dawah & someone follows it? (Chain of goodness)

justalayman channel:

Whoever initiates a bad deed will bear the burden of anyone who does it after him

When one is rewarded for abandoning a sin & When one is sinful for a bad intention

Carry the sin