Kindly refer to the following link(s):

This is your choice and preference, 

A real man doesn’t need the approval of his parents when getting married to a practicing woman if he is financially independent. 

As long as you are going to provide her with a separate accommodation, you don’t need your parents consent but it is highly recommended that you deal with them diplomatically 

Can I marry without the permission of my parents?

Wants to marry a girl without her parents permission 

Does a Man require his parent's approval for his marriage to be valid?

Does a Man have to obey his parents in their choice of a woman when getting married? 

Can a son marry against his parent's wishes?

Parents don't give their son consent to marry girl of his choice Can he disobey them

How can men marry someone of their choice when pre-marital relations are prohibited??

Also see: When can a father disown his son?