Kindly refer to the following link(s):
What to do when someone backbites?
Backbiting and laughing at others
Difference between backbiting and complaining
Will I be punished for repeated backbiting?
How to deal with parents who backbite eachother?
Is discussing the wrong practices of a third person considered backbiting?
Talking on YouTube about public figures got exposed backbiting or warning others?
Is it backbiting if the employees talk negatively about Management?
Is it permissible to expose someone's sins/ character for the purpose of marriage?
The 6 Exceptions to Backbiting | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Is it backbiting if someone is talking about a person I don't know? What if name is mentioned?
Ruling on backbiting a Non Muslim
I have backbitten many people, should I apologize to them? How should I repent?
Backbiting, Wronging others, I have Wronged others, What should I do now?
Backbiting a whole nation or a group of people, will they take all your good deeds?
Used to backbite people, some I don't remember, some I do, should I apologize? ruin relationship
Backbiting non-muslim, Muslim men, women (mahram, non-mahram) Contact them 2 seek forgiveness?
Backbiting the deceased | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem