Kindly refer to the following link(s):
Detailed explanation of Wiping over Socks & Shoes, types of Socks you can wipe over
Conditions for wiping over the socks or shoes
For how long are we (resident, 24 hrs) allowed to wipe over socks What's the procedure
If my big toe is sticking out of my socks (hole in socks) can I still wipe over them
Exceeded the time limit to wipe over socks or shoes for wudu
Does taking off your shoes or socks, after wiping over them, nullify your Wudu?
I wiped over my shoes & later took them off, can I wipe over my SOCKS afterwards?
Wiped over socks during wudu, half of my foot got exposed, Can I still wipe over them?
Can I wipe over two sets of socks?