Kindly reference the following link(s):
Sorcerers, Amulets and Talismans
Amulet with Quranic Verses (IslamQ&A)
Children wearing Taweez with Quranic verses, black thread or black dot on face to protect from evil eye allowed?
Going to 'Peers' to solve problems - is it Shirk?
Going to Peers and Maulanas & Ruling on hanging Ayahs of the Quran on walls
Fortune telling and Claiming to know the Unseen
Going to a fortune teller 40 days prayer invalid?
Going to a fortune teller (zodiac signs) soothsayer. How do they know & predict?
Getting Intuitions, Premonitions and having the Sixth Sense
Fortune Telling and adding falsehood to the truth (movie)
Can Sheikhs or Peers control or catch Jinn (asking mothers name)
Ruling on Numerology and Horoscopes
Is believing in bad omens shirk? (Bad Omens in the month of Safar)
Bad Omens about house etc
Should we leave if bad things are happening in the house?
Afflicted with calamities after moving into new house
Is it possible to know who has done black magic on you?