Kindly refer to the following link(s):

When Allah Loves You | Shaykh Assim Al-Hakeem

Why does Allah test me? - Assim Al Hakeem (long video)

Test & Trials | Assim Al Hakeem

What's the relation between Sins and Calamity?

How to react when we are struck with calamities? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

What is being content with Allah's decree? If it's hot & I get mad, is it discontent

How to know if we are being Tested or Punished by Allah?

How to keep faith in tough times?

Does asking Allah for Patience bring upon us more trials?

The Prick of a Thorn Erases Sins, so what about a hardship that we face as a result of a sin?

How 2 deal with calamities when you've low Iman Am I not patient if I get frustrated

Allah tests His loved ones but if I'm not tested, does it mean Allah doesn't love me