Kindly refer to the following link(s):

Owning a dog as a pet 

Being paid for walking a dog

Keeping dogs as pets for security reasons

Can a security guard deal with dogs due to necessity?

I heard a scholar saying that it is permissible to keep dog as a pet

Dog saliva pure or impure? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Wudu after being licked by a dog?

How to wash clothes that are licked by a dog?

How to purify utensils licked by a dog & our hands if we touched them? Prophet ﷺgrandson had a puppy

What type of dog nullifies our prayer?

Owning a dog or working as a Vet / Veterinarian and treating them 

Having a dog is losing good deeds every day equal to the weight of Mount Uhud 

Hunting with a dog an exception?