Kindly refer to the following link(s):

Following four schools of thought

Following one school of thought & finding a Scholar whose knowledge you trust for laymen

I am a layman & Non Arab, how can I ponder over Quran? Can I understand it on my own  

Self Study Islam?

Two trustworthy Scholars give opposite fatwas, whom should we follow?

School of Thought & Following Sunnah

Following the Hanafi Madhab

73 Sects, one in Jannah

What is the saved sect?

Importance of Aqeedah 

Should Muslims call themselves 'salafi'? 

Should we call ourselves 'Salafis'?

School of Thought & Following Sunnah

What's the best way to learn Fiqh & is it best to stick to One Madhab?

Is it permissible to follow one Madhab blindly while rejecting an established Sunnah? 

I'm a Hanafi but follow sunnah when need verdict. Madhab in Islam & It's Significance

Should a layman follow his madhab completely & reject acts proven by Quran & Sunnah?

Who is right, the one following the Sunnah or a School Of Thought (Madhab)?

Blind follow a madhab or not follow any madhab? Follow Quran & Sunnah when there's confusion

Why does the Hanafi School contradict with Authentic Hadiths? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Taqleed wajib for a layman?

Can a layman follow different opinions?

I'm not a layman, I'm a Mushtahid, must I follow a madhab (Muqallid)