Kindly refer to the following link(s):

How to pray taraweeh? What Surah's should we read?

Praying Taraweeh with congregation & getting the reward for the entire night

Praying Witr with Imam in Taraweeh (reward for whole night) and praying AFTER Taraweeh

Praying Witr with the Imam in Ramadan - reward for praying the entire night 

Women gathering in a house and praying taraweeh behind an imam 

Taraweeh 8 or 20 Rakahs? Which is better?

Taraweeh:Those who claim praying 20 rakahs is mandatory and 8 rakahs is wrong

Regarding Hadeeth of Umar (radiyallahu anhu) on taraweeh prayer 

Holding the mushaf during Taraweeh in the masjid

About Imams that pray taraweeh too fast

Praying behind an imam who prays too fast

Taraweeh behind an Imam who recites very fast 

How to achieve the Sweetness of Taraweeh when the Imam recites too fast?

Being late for Isha and the Imam already started Taraweeh, what to do?

If I miss Isha can we join Taraweeh with intention of Isha

Is it compulsory to complete the whole Qur'an in Ramadan?

Is it mandatory to finish the whole Quran in taraweeh? (website)

Taraweeh for Women At Home or Masjid?

Is taraweeh for a woman better at home and can she recite longer Surahs from Phone?