
What to say in Sujood and Ruku

What should we say between the prostrations? | Assim Al Hakeem

Jalsahtul Istiraaha: Sitting for a while after 2nd sujood before standing up

What to do if one forgets to say dua between the two prostrations (Rabbigh firli)

Minimum number of Tasbih or Dhikr in Ruku, Sujood, In between 2 Prostrations

From Hudhayfah – that performed prayer with the Prophet (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and he used to say between the two Sajdahs: ”‘Rabbighfirli, Rabbighfirli’ (O my Lord! Forgive me, Forgive me). [Ibn Mājah with a hasan sanad]

Must we say Rabbighfirli between 2 prostrations in fard, sunnah, witr, night prayers