Kindly refer to the following link(s): 

Forbidden times for prayer 

How to calculate the time of Zawal

Woke up late for Fajr -Is it permissible to pray it when the Sun is rising?

2 rakahs prayer before athan of Maghrib and during forbidden times (Tahiyyatul Masjid in forbidden times)

Forbidden times to pray voluntary prayers & Sujood Shukr & Sujood Tilawa during this time

What is the time for Duha prayer & Can we pray duha during the forbidden time? 

Can we pray voluntary prayers after sunnah of fajr?Deeds to offer after athan of Fajr 

Praying the Missed Sunnah of Dhuhr after Asr (during forbidden times) 

Prohibition of praying after Asr, What about Tahiyatul Masjid, Funeral, Istekhara, Eclipse Prayer

Related Article: Can I recite Quran in forbidden times?