Question: I have wet dreams & find white marks on my underwear. If its not wet do I need to do ghusl? I am worried that this may happen during hajj. Is it permissible for me to wear underwear under ihram to keep it clean?
Wet dreams of both men and women
Had seen a Wet Dream, should you perform Ghusl if there is (No) emission of Semen?
Woke up and saw discharge in underwear, diff between mathi and mani
Woke up from wet dream, found no semen After prayer saw old marks on underwear, repeat prayers?
Ghusl or Wudu if I woke up with wet dream and its time to pray?
Pilgrim in ihraam wearing underwear (IslamQA)
Is Semen pure? OCD about semen transferring to other clothes due to masturbation
How to clean ourselves after a Wet dream or masturbation
Should a woman on menses make ghusl if she sees a wet dream? (To recite Quran)
And Allah Knows Best