Kindly refer to the following link(s):
Morning / Evening Athkaar (website)
Surah Mulk and Surah Sajda just before going to bed
Last 2 Ayahs of Surah Baqarah prevents devils from entering the house for up to 3 nights
Reciting the last two verses of Surah Baqarah before sleeping
Reciting the last three chapters of the Qur'an and wiping over the body
Supplications / Adkhar before sleeping (website)
Night Adkhar while lying in bed, Is it disrespectful if Qur'an is recited while lying?
Night time Athkaar Before Sleeping | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Benefits of saying SubhanAllah 33, Alhamdulillah 33, AllahuAkbar 34 times before bed
What is the reward for reciting every night surah al Sajdah?(Surah al Mulk)
Reciting Surah Sajdah & Mulk before sleeping & What is it's reward?
Surah Mulk before sleeping protects from the torment of the grave - when to recite it?
Should we repeat the night time atkhar if we sleep again in the morning?
And Allah Knows Best