Kindly refer to the following link(s):

You have to read what the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam had taught us to say in prayer in Arabic. You can’t translate that.  As for Du’ah, the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam had told us that making Du’ah in Sujood is acceptable but he didn’t tell us to make it in a specific language. Therefore, it is permissible to only make Du’ah in your language.

Dua in your own language in sujood and before making salam

Making dua in my mother tongue | By Assim Al Hakeem

Permissibility of making dua in your own language in Fard & Voluntary Prayers

Can I recite Sayyedul Isteghfar or Duas from Qur'an in Prostration (Sujood)? | Sheikh Assim Al Haeem

Can we make dua using mixture of English & Arabic words in Sujood & last tashahhud? (Franco Arabic)